Data de inscriere : 30/06/2012
| Subiect: Advertismente Lun Iul 02, 2012 3:11 am | |
| Descriere:acest plugin "va raspunde" automat cand intalneste anumite cuvinte din chatDescarcare:[Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]Instalare:1. Fisierul ad_manager.amxx il transferati in folderul plugins; 2. Fisierul advertisements.ini il transferati in folderul configs; 3. In advertisements.ini o sa gasiti: - Cod:
;Syntax: ; !g for green text ; !t for teamcolor text; blue for CT, red for T and white for Spectator ; !n for normal yellow text ; ; Begin your line with an @ to make it a response text ; You can use colors in your reaction ; ; @what to react on~reaction ; ; Conditions: Put each condition between % and devide conditions and the rest with a ~ ; The supported conditions are "map, "min_players" and "max_players" ; ; Some examples are included: ; If there is a cheater in the server, please notify the admin -> !tuse teamspeak, and begin your message with an @ %map cs_assault%~!gNo camping at LAMPS, HIGH BOXES, OR CONTAINERS inside bunker! !nOr and admin might kill you! @cheat~!gIf there is a cheater in the server, please notify the admin -> !tuse teamspeak and begin your message with an @ Primul paragraf reprezinta culorile pentru cuvinte(g,t,n), iar o reactie se incepe cu @~ in fata cuvantului pronuntat in chat (say/u) 1.Va dau un exemplu simplu, in cazul unui cuvant simplu: - Cod:
Cineva spune "admin" raspunsul va fi facut de voi, ca de exemplu: - Cod:
@admin~!gPentru !tadmin/slot !gaccesati !t si va rezulta: - Citat :
- Pentru admin/slot accesati [Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]
2. Daca vreti pentru o anumita harta scrieti asa: - Cod:
%map de_dust2%~!gCampingul este strict !tinterzis! care va rezulta: - Citat :
- Campingul este strict interzis